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  • #3: Mindset Reset and Descending the Corporate Ladder

#3: Mindset Reset and Descending the Corporate Ladder

Hey there!

Welcome to our third (already?!) issue of Sage. It was a busy month! Outside of our day jobs, we’ve been trying to soak up the long days of summer before they fly by. Speaking of flying by: In case you missed it, we launched a free community last month created specifically for job seekers to find actionable support and resources for their job search. You can click here to join (you’ll just need to take 2 minutes to create an account — easy peasy).

Pro tip: After joining, you can download the Mighty Networks app on Apple or Android phones for even easier access.

We’re just getting started, but we’re excited to be opening “Office Hours” every Friday from 12-1 PM CST to chat with you about whatever is on your mind. Job search, mental health, resume questions, nutrition and wellness — it's all fair game.

Once you’ve joined our network, you’ll get notified each time we’re live.

Hope to see you there, but in the meantime, happy reading!

From Layoff to Lift-off: Building a Positive Mindset

Feeling stuck in a negative spiral after a layoff? 🤯 You’re not alone.

Getting out of a negative head space can be easier said than done! We’re not going to promise that repeating a positive affirmation will cure the job search blues, but we do know that our mindset is directly impacted by our thoughts.

It’s normal for negative thoughts to creep in, but we’ve got some mindset resets to help you turn that around. Here are some common negative thought patterns that you might experience after a layoff, along with their positive affirmation counterparts:

Because our mindset is based on the assumptions we have about ourselves and the world, our thoughts can become a self-fulfilling prophecy- for better or for worse! By actively replacing negative thought patterns with positive affirmations, you can cultivate a mindset that builds your self-confidence, resilience, and ultimately your chances of success, during challenging times (hello, layoffs).

Descending the Corporate Ladder

In today's job market, more jobseekers are opting for lateral moves or even more junior roles to prioritize work-life balance over climbing the corporate ladder. According to Fast Company, this shift is driven by a desire for better mental health and well-being. We’ve all seen how little job security exists for even those in high positions with a company. The pressure and stress associated with traditional career advancement are prompting workers to seek positions that offer more autonomy, purpose, and manageable workloads, rather than pursuing promotions and higher salaries at the expense of their personal lives. Especially if all of that sacrifice could still one day result in a severance package.

For job seekers, this trend highlights the importance of aligning career choices with your personal values and lifestyle preferences. Your time is your most valuable resource! Spending it in misery is not the move.

Our POV: We’ve both taken roles that were a lateral fit without regret! Instead of solely applying to jobs that promise upward mobility, we’d consider prioritizing opportunities that foster a healthy work-life balance. Better yet? Look for roles that offer you the flexibility to pursue other forms of income (like a side hustle) to diversify where your financial stability comes from.

Insight Hub: You Asked, We Answered

“How much personality is too much to show in the interview process?”

When it comes to showing personality in an interview, think of it like seasoning your food – just the right amount makes it perfect, but too much can be overwhelming. Here are a few tips to nail your next interview from a personality POV:

✨ Be yourself and let your genuine enthusiasm and unique charm (we’ve all got some!) shine through, but be careful not to dominate the conversation or focus entirely on yourself.

💬 Feel free to share anecdotes that highlight your skills and character, but avoid veering into overly personal or informal territory right off the bat.

🔍️ Do your research so that you can tailor your demeanor to the company culture and the role you’re applying for, ensuring you come across as both genuine and conscientious.

Unlike a first date, an interview isn’t necessarily the time to “be yourself.” It's all about striking a balance: you want to come across as likable and relatable, but still professional enough that they can envision you in the role.

Transform your Day, One Breath at a Time

Ah, breathwork... the underrated, sometimes scoffed-at, yet FREE therapy tool with a high yield of benefits in as little as a minute. It's perfect for stress reduction, boosting mental clarity, enhancing emotional regulation, reducing muscle tension… the list truly goes on and on.

Ok, maybe you’re thinking, “Who has time for this?” We get it. Life is always…life-ing. But we both swear by the positive impact of breathwork! Do we do it every day? No. But has it been an amazing tool in balancing our stress levels? YES!

To make it a bit less intimidating, we’ve rounded up our favorite tips to help you seamlessly add it into your life. First, you’ll need to choose a technique. If you’re not sure what we’re even talking about, we gotchu, of course!

Once you’ve nailed the basics, you’re off to the races:

⌛ Set intentional breaks: Schedule short breaks throughout your workday dedicated to breath work. Even just 5 minutes can make a significant difference. Ideally, you’ll want to find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. If you’re in the office, this could be a meeting room, a quiet corner, or even your desk with headphones on.

🧘 Practice mindfulness: Take note as you breathe throughout the day. Focus your attention on the sensations of your breath—how it feels entering and leaving your body. This mindfulness helps anchor you in the present moment and reduces stress.

⏸️ Use breath as a reset: Whenever you feel overwhelmed, take a few deep breaths. This can help reset your nervous system, calm your mind, and improve concentration.

🫱🏻‍🫲🏽 Incorporate breath into daily tasks: Link breath work with specific activities like answering emails, attending interviews, or before starting a new task. This reinforces the habit and makes it easier to integrate into your routine.

It’s okay to explore different techniques and durations to find what works best for you (and even highly encouraged!). Note to self: Like any practice, consistency is key!

And that’s issue #3 done and dusted!

Thanks for spending some time with us. If there's a job search or wellness topic you’d like to know more about or see highlighted in a future newsletter, feel free to reach out to us with your suggestions. You can always reach us at [email protected]!

See you in August!