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  • #5: The Power of Perspective

#5: The Power of Perspective

Hello and happy September… that liminal time when Summer still feels present but the air has a new, crisp quality when you wake up.

Don’t know about you, but we’ve always viewed September as a month of transitions. Coming down from the summer high, setting new routines, shifting focus to new projects (and perhaps whipping out a few cozy sweaters).

It can be a period of renewal and adjustment which may be mirrored in your job search.

If you need an extra spark to regain focus, remember we’ve got you covered in our Sage community. We share job search strategies, health and wellness tips, and answer your questions live every Friday at 12pm CST. Come join us!

Now onto the good stuff…

The Power of Perspective

What if we told you that the mindset you bring to your job search can significantly impact your results? It might sound a bit woo-woo, but it's true.

You’ve probably heard of the terms "scarcity" and "abundance" mindset. Let’s break it down.

A scarcity mindset is rooted in the belief that opportunities and resources are limited. When applied to job searching, this mindset can manifest in several ways:

  • Fear and anxiety about the limited number of jobs

  • Perceived competition, believing there’s only room for a few to succeed

  • Viewing other candidates as rivals

  • Desperation to settle for a role that doesn’t align with your goals

Approaching your job search with this mentality not only leads to a HUGE lack of confidence but can also affect your negotiation power, your ability to network, and cause tunnel vision on short-term goals.

Now, what if we swapped these thoughts for feelings of abundance? This mindset is based on the belief that there are ample opportunities available and that you can find a role that matches your skills and aspirations.

Here’s what that looks like:

  • Viewing others as allies instead of competitors, which encourages you to build and leverage professional relationships

  • Maintaining a long-term vision and focusing on finding a job that aligns with your career goals and values, rather than settling for the first offer that comes your way

  • Embracing the idea of exploring various opportunities and career paths, which can lead to discovering unexpected and fulfilling roles

So how do we shift from a scarcity to an abundance mindset? We recommend starting with setting clear goals. Maybe that’s actively networking, staying informed on industry trends, celebrating your successes, or seeking feedback. Get really clear on the strategy you want to employ and the goals that will help you reach the outcome. Then consistently refocus your mind on these things when it starts to wander towards scarcity.

Embrace an abundance mindset and you’ll navigate your job search (and your life) with greater confidence, eventually finding a role that truly aligns with your career goals and aspirations.

Are Salaries Getting Lower?

This isn’t the kind of trend we like sharing, but it’s an important one to understand: salaries are falling. A 2023 report on pay trends (ZipRecruiter) showed that 48% of US companies surveyed lowered pay for some or all of their roles. That trend has expanded into 2024.

Why are we talking about this? Because you may be on the other end of what feels like a “low-ball” offer at some point and you need to have a strategy for how to address it:

  • Start by looking at your budget and calculating the absolute lowest salary you could accept. Do this in advance of an offer so you’re not under pressure to figure it out when the clock is ticking.

  • If you receive an offer for less than you anticipated or asked for, don’t immediately assume it’s a red flag about the employer and decline. The harsh reality is that we are seeing employers across the board cutting their base salaries to save budget and avoid layoffs. You have every right to be frustrated and concerned about a low offer, but think twice before declining.

  • Consider asking for additional forms of “pay” like equity, time off or commission. Some companies are finding it easier to hand out more PTO or higher commission payouts than an increase in base salary and are willing to negotiate this if you ask.

The best way we can put it: some seasons of life will take you to the next level financially. This year probably isn’t going to be one of them. That doesn’t mean you won’t ever see a salary increase again or that you don’t deserve more for your skill set. It doesn’t even mean you need to take that offer! But before you start assuming the company is a bad egg, consider what the long term benefits might be of having a role secured, especially if you could see yourself working well with the team, work/life balance, career growth or any other perks that feel important to you.

Insight Hub: You Asked, We Answered

“How do I approach career gaps on a resume and throughout the interview process?”

Career gaps have been a hot topic recently due to COVID-related layoffs and tech RIFs. Despite their negative reputation, you can turn career gaps into a positive aspect of your job search with a strategic approach.

Here’s how:

💬 Keep it short and sweet: If asked about a gap, give a straightforward answer without going into the weeds. For example: “My position was eliminated during a company restructure. I used the time to focus on professional development and prepare for my next role.”

📖 Highlight your skills: Did you pick up new hobbies, volunteer, or learn something new? That’s valuable! Show off these experiences and how they made you even more skilled. Whether you mastered a new craft or took an online course, let it be known.

📈 Demonstrate your growth: If you earned a new certification, took a course, or engaged in self-reflection, include it on your resume. It shows you’re proactive and committed to keeping your skills sharp.

🗣️ Practice your pitch: Be ready to discuss your gap in a relaxed manner. Frame it as a period of growth and excitement!

👥 Network like a pro: Connect with people you know. Sometimes a great referral or friendly introduction can make a bigger impact than gaps in your resume.

Career gaps are common AND normal! They don’t need to be a roadblock in your job search.

P.S. If an employer makes you feel otherwise, you probably don’t want to work there anyway! ✌🏼

We know that plenty of our readers are full-time job seekers and that means a lot of living with uncertainty and wondering when this in-between season of transitioning from one role to the next will end.

Navigating transitions effectively involves staying grounded in the present while being open to the possibilities of the future. Things can change for the better at any moment! But if that moment is taking its sweet time for you, consider the following supports:

  • Create a routine (one you can actually stick with) that helps you stay centered during times of change. Routines provide a sense of stability and help manage the stress that often accompanies transitions.

  • Get it off your chest. Talking about your feelings/frustrations/fears can alleviate some of the pressure and provide valuable insights that you might not see on your own. Even talking out loud to yourself can release the pressure valve on pent up emotions!


  • Remember that you can trust yourself. You’ve done hard things before and survived. Reflect on the lessons you’ve learned from past transitions and how they have shaped who you are today. What strengths have you developed? Developing self trust will help you know in your core that you will make it through a tough time.

    Transitions are opportunities to build resilience and adaptability. But honestly, who wishes for circumstances that require us to be resilient or adaptable? Not us. The silver lining here is that transitional periods lead to new, sometimes better, circumstances. Perhaps most importantly: while they’re pretty much guaranteed to all of us, transitions don’t last forever. Every season ends, even this one.

And that’s a wrap!

We hope to see you in our live Friday chats (again, that’s 12pm CST) in the Sage Community.

If you haven’t joined yet, it’s free and super easy- takes about two minutes to sign up!

(After joining, you can download the Mighty Networks app to join us from any phone.)

Soak up the sunshine and see you in October!