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  • #4: Brain Food and Accessing Your Personal Hidden Job Market

#4: Brain Food and Accessing Your Personal Hidden Job Market

And just like that, it’s August.

Time seems to fly in the summer, does it not? Adventures outdoors, hangs with friends and family, ALL of the fruit!? What’s not to love! Understandably, some of us wish time would slow wayyy down. (Here’s a hack if you fall in that camp.)

For those who have been laid off or are job searching, however, you may be wishing you could fast forward to the part where you’ve found a new job. We get it. As recruiters, we see the highs and lows for job seekers every day. That said, August is the swan song of summer and we’re reminded that no season lasts- even the hard ones.

We’ve spent a lot of time thinking on the most impactful actions a job seeker can take right now. Read on for steps you can take to move the needle in a meaningful way, with a few ideas for supporting your inner self at the same time.

Journaling for Direction

Ok ok, don’t scroll past this section! When it comes to choosing a career path, finding clarity and direction can often feel like navigating through a maze without a map. Whether you're contemplating how to find the right role, striving for advancement, or simply seeking greater fulfillment in your current position, one powerful tool can clear the complexities: journaling.

Ever been stumped when someone asks you what you want to do? Exactly. Journaling is all about dedicating time to reflect, explore, and articulate your inner beliefs (something we all don’t do enough of 🙃), with the purpose of finding clarity and sparking inspiration.

But where do you start? How do you know what to write? We’ve rounded up some of our favorite thought-provoking prompts designed to empower your journey towards career alignment.

Hopefully that’s enough inspo to get you started! If you’re not quite ready to pick up your pen, we encourage you to at least get your inner dialogue thinking about these questions, so you can be on your way to career fulfillment faster!

The Hidden Job Market

By now most of us understand what the hidden job market is and why it matters. The importance of referrals and warm intros in a market like this really cannot be understated. To be clear: if you’re laying awake at night wondering why you can’t seem to land an interview much less a job, you’re not crazy. It has never been harder to find a new role.

For all of the chatter about accessing the hidden job market, it’s easy to feel unsure of how to tap into it for yourself. What it really comes down to is your network, your relationships and your content:

  1. Your network should be a ever-growing web of former colleagues and professional connections who you actively keep in touch with. No need to have sent them last year’s holiday card, but you do need to make sure that you’re utilizing LinkedIn as a tool for keeping in touch, even if it’s as simple as congratulating them on a new role or sending a short message to check in. Keeping up with this without asking for anything in return is the best way to lean into your network when you do need a favor. That said, don’t be scared to reach out if you see a mutual connection at a company you applied to! Everyone knows how tough the job market is right now and most are eager to lend a hand.

  2. Your relationships are the friends and even family members you know who might have connections to a new position. Maybe it’s your uncle’s law firm or your best friend’s husband who plays golf with somebody from Oracle. It is absolutely worth your time to sit down and think about who you know and who they might know. If you’re not sure, ask. Take your cousin out to coffee, talk through what you’re looking for and see if they know someone hiring. From there, get everyone a digital copy of your resume to keep on hand. Make sure they know the types of roles you’re looking for and if appropriate, have them send over your resume for the internal team to have on hand.

  3. Your content is how you’re going to keep your LinkedIn profile at the top of recruiter searches, how you stay visible in a job search and how you make sure everyone knows what you’re looking for next. Post enough content (on topics that interest you) and you’ll also give off the impression of being a thought leader and someone who is worth every penny an employer might spend. If you’re not excited about posting content, at the very least start commenting and liking posts of those who are in the type of role or companies you’d like to join. Get on the radar of the employer(s) you’d want to work for and hit the +follow button for internal hiring teams so that you never miss if they post a role to their personal page!

The hidden job market is all about snagging the roles that never get posted on the job boards. It requires some strategy and a lot of patience, as all of this networking and posting can get tiresome without a lot of immediate results. The name of the game in this season is patience and consistency. Doing the right things enough times to make sure you get the results you’re looking for. Adding in this type of effort to your regular job hunting will certainly help widen the net of possibilities!

Insight Hub: You Asked, We Answered

Instead of focusing on one question, we recorded a few thoughts this week on the current challenges in the market and what the candidates we’ve recently helped get job offers did to set themselves apart.

You can view the entire 30-minute conversation in the Sage Community (scroll to the end of this newsletter for the signup link!) but here’s a short snippet:

Fueling Mental Clarity 

In our hustle-filled lives, where mental sharpness is the key to conquering challenges, what you eat can seriously level up your brain game

Think of mental clarity as your brain's superpower—it’s about staying focused, sharp, and ready to tackle whatever life throws at you (layoffs, job searching, networking, you name it). And guess what? The food you put in your body can make a huge difference in how well your brain performs.

So, what do we recommend for a noticeable boost? 👇🏼

🥑 Omega-3 Fatty Acids: AKA the VIPs of brain health. Get them from fatty fish (we love us some wild-caught salmon), flaxseeds, and nuts (walnuts are top tier).

🫐 Antioxidants: Think of them as your brain’s bodyguards against stress. Load up on berries (wild blueberries are elite), organic dark chocolate (yes, chocolate!), and colorful veggies (think spinach, carrots, peppers).

🥬 B Vitamins: They’re your brain’s cheerleaders, keeping your mood balanced and memory dialed in. Find them in leafy greens, eggs, and whole grains (Just us or is oatmeal not the best? ).

🥩 Protein: It’s not just for bodybuilders. Your brain needs protein to build neurotransmitters (the messengers that keep your mood stable and your thoughts clear). Lean meats, fish, and beans are all on the squad.

🍠 Carbs: Sorry, not the sugary form in candy or processed snacks but complex ones that keep your brain fueled up nice and steady. Hello, quinoa, wild rice, and sweet potatoes!

💧 H2O: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Water is your brain’s best friend. We all need different amounts but it’s crucial for peak mental performance.

Swapping some of your daily food staples for these brain-boosting goodies can make a big impact. Try it out and report back. Cheers to smart munchin’!

Wherever you’re at in the job search journey, remember that keeping your emotional and physical wellbeing as a top priority is the most important thing you can do. Job searching is often a marathon and like any great distance athlete knows, the best way to win is to finish.

Thanks for joining us this summer at Sage! As a reminder, we’re answering job seeker questions live each Friday at 10am PST/ 12pm CT in the Sage Community. If you haven’t joined yet, it’s free and super easy- takes about two minutes to sign up!

(After joining, you can download the Mighty Networks app to join us from any phone.)

See you in September! We’re rooting for you until then…