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#1: Welcome to Sage!

A holistic community for job seekers

Hey! We’re Sam and Kelly, two agency recruiters who started out in totally different careers and never thought we’d end up coaching and supporting job seekers, but here we are!

We’ve walked through the job search process with hundreds of candidates and work directly with CEOs and founders, so we have firsthand knowledge of both the challenges of the job search and what hiring managers and leaders are looking for these days.

This market is tough, but it is possible to land an amazing job at a company you can grow with. The best way to do that in 2024 is to build a valuable network and lean into community. It’s not enough to apply and wait for a response anymore. That’s where we come in.

Starting with this monthly newsletter, we hope Sage becomes a place where you can find holistic job search support and build a strong network of lasting connections for the journey. As former coaches in the wellness and personal development space, we’ll also offer suggestions for supporting your mental and physical wellbeing during your search.

Happy reading and welcome to Sage!

Spotting Red Flags Like a Pro

We've all heard the horror stories of toxic workplaces, or perhaps, have found ourselves in one. As we navigate the challenging job market, the last thing we want is to land in another unfortunate situation.

Hindsight often reveals overlooked red flags, so let’s explore the common warning signs that can save us from future workplace distress.

  1. Lack of transparency: Honest and open communication is crucial for fostering a healthy work environment. No talk about compensation? Run. Vague responses about role responsibilities? Run. Can’t give you a straight answer about company culture? Run.

  2. High turnover rate: Don't hesitate to ask the hard-hitting questions. "How long do people typically stay in the role?" and "Why is this role open?" could be the key to unlocking secrets about the company's stability—or lack thereof. Snooping previous employee’s LinkedIn pages to confirm their tenure also doesn’t hurt.

  3. Poor company reputation: Take a closer look at the reputation of the companies you're considering. Our fav platforms to get the inside scoop: Reddit and Fishbowl. Red flags may include negative reviews from current or former employees, reports of unethical business practices, or a history of frequent turnover within the organization. Conduct thorough research to ensure you're not stepping into a workplace minefield.

  4. Unprofessional behavior: Not respecting your time, rude behavior, inappropriate questions — see ya! Don’t overlook the little things. Your interview experience is a reflection of the company culture you may be stepping into.

  5. Unrealistic Promises: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your instincts and steer clear of any enchanted castles with questionable intentions.

  6. Inadequate communication: Delayed responses, unanswered emails, and conflicting information — no thank you. If the interview process is chaotic, just imagine what lies ahead.

At the end of the day, if something doesn’t feel right it probably isn’t. Trust your gut, arm yourself with knowledge, and embark on your job search adventure with confidence. When it comes to red flags, it's better to be safe than sorry. Happy hunting!

Insight Hub: You Asked, We Answered

“How do I answer when asked why I’m interviewing for a new job after only being in my current role for a few months?”

There is a lot of nuance to this and it definitely depends on why you are looking so soon, but we’ve found that an honest answer is the best answer.

For example: "Even though I'm just getting started at [X], I found [your product/the role] to be really interesting for [specific reason] and I thought I would be doing myself a disservice not to explore that." What employer would knock you for loving their company!?

While it’s okay to briefly share about challenges in your current workplace, we recommend keeping your response forward-thinking and focusing on what you aspire to achieve moving forward. Bonus points for emphasizing how your skills and future goals align with the specific opportunity you're interviewing for.

Strength in Numbers: Why Your Job Search Needs a Tribe

Building a community is essential to the job search. Your community can hook you up with insider info and job leads that you might not stumble upon solo. Think of it like a treasure map to hidden job opportunities, you never know who knows someone who knows someone who is hiring for the perfect role for you. But perhaps more immediately beneficial is the support that fellow job seekers can offer each other. Because it’s not just about landing the job – it's about keeping sane during the search. Having folks who get what you're going through can be a total lifesaver. They're there to lift you up when you're feeling down, celebrate your wins, and remind you that rejection is just a stepping stone to something even better.

Bottom line: community is the secret sauce to the job search recipe. It keeps you motivated, in the know, and connected to a support system for the hard moments.

Not sure where to find this type of community? We’ve got you. We’re working on creating a (free) space to connect with fellow job seekers and career professionals in a casual setting. More on this to come…

Stay for a season when you’re deep in the job search or stick around for the long haul. We can’t wait to connect!